Fábio Santos Ferreira Sena (He/Him)
Fábio was born in Aracaju, Brazil in 1979. He made a career at Companhia Ballet Teatro Guaíra, in the city of Curitiba. Having lived in Rio de Janeiro in 2005, he participated in important projects in the field of dance, such as the opera “Alabê in Jerusalem”; in this performance, the artist received a prominent prize at the 2006 “Compassos Festival”. Three years later he would start his academic career at the Angel Vianna College of Contemporary Dance, where he graduated in 2013 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. After directing the Companhia P-24 de Dança Contemporânea, Fábio dedicated himself to a teaching career at the Angel Vianna Faculty and at the Centro de Artes Nós da Dança, besides directing the Armorial Company of Contemporary Dance. He now lives in the city of Toronto where he is a member of Temple Emanuel. He has eventually worked as assistant choreographer at Newton Moraes Dance Theater.
Performance Art