Syd Lapan (She/Her)

Syd spent 20+ years as a private investigator, which generated a lot of good stories. So she thought she would tell those stories herself. They are all true, more or less. She submitted one to a contest in Nanaimo. Some of the others, she will have to send out of province, as they are a tad dangerous.

She only started writing by accident after a late night FB rant to Ivan Coyote. That rant ended up in "Care Of." Her version is "How I Hitched a Ride to the GG's Desk."

At 69 y/o, She’s the only queer Jew on Gabriola. Come visit.

Letters in collaboration with writer Ivan Coyote and artist Zoë van Dijk

 To read more of her letters, go to ‘Dear Syd’


Shimona Slomowitz

