Jeff Kushner: “having to go back into the closet… as I age… I am really concerned… both as a Jewish person and as a gay person”
Syd Lapan: “I was absolutely astounded… to come from 1,000 people and being terrified to 750,000 people celebrating us… what an amazing journey!”
Jack Huberman: “I am thrilled there is one organization [JQT] that is building… and representing… the best interests of LGBTQ Jews in the community”
Aaron Devor: “Thank you for… making sure that the stories of all of us, whom you’re interviewing, are not lost”
Marsha Ablowitz: “I’ve been quite involved with some feminist therapy with getting the classification of mental illness and the prejudice against women, fighting against that”
Nancy Rosenblum: “I’m so happy and so pleased to be part of this research… I really believe that our herstory has to be saved”
Lisa Weiner: “I thank you for doing what you’re doing. I can’t wait to hear the progress of your project… it’s also amazing that I even learned of you from… a fellow Jewish Klezbian… and here you are”
Jono Lerner: “I’m very glad that this project is taking place… I hope that to continues in the sense that we will always be finding more people to document their stories… it’ll be interesting to see how things have progressed and changed”
Lauren Nackman: “it’s been a really unique experience… growing up as a queer person in the States and to have my maturity in… Victoria, very humble and peaceful acceptance of queerness and Judaism”
Bayla Greenspoon: “I just want us as a culture, as a queer, Jewish and particularly lesbian culture, to be honoured because we have contributed and continue to contribute so much”
Julie Elizabeth: “I’m a Jewish lesbian… I was a witch for a while… as I said, I ran away from Judaism… I did try all these churches… Buddhist meditation… completely into Wicca”
Hope Forstenzer: “I love this project…. it’s been a pleasure to be interviewed by you. You’re fun to talk to… and I’m glad to have been able to be a part of it”
Avital Jarus Hakak: “recording history is extremely important. I was part of doing the same thing in Israel… the Jewish community should not only recognize but also celebrate with its minority groups, including the LGBTQ community”
Ira Rogers: “I’ve never been interviewed in this way and it’s been really pleasurable for me to talk about my life… lived situations, people that I’ve known… endeavours, disappointments, changes, the whole bit!”
Caryl Dolinko: “the roots I have in my culture and the traditions that I’ve been given ground me and allow me to fly. And I hope everybody finds… understanding and grace in where they go in their life”
Debby Yaffe: “I taught the first Jewish feminist thought course in Canada… if I had to teach it now, it’d be really different… I’m very aware how things do change very quickly”
Marc Gelmon: “I’ve been transitioning since… about 1983… I thought that the Jewish community was going to chase me out of Vancouver… so I’m really glad I’m still here”
Dorothy Elias: “my absolute appreciation goes out to all the younger people… who are continuing this movement of making ourselves visible, of clamining who we are, of identifying who we are”
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